Sunday, July 21, 2013


Something is very personal here.apa yang uools rasa???entry credit to Izyan Liyana
I literally cried from ketika bersahur until waktu Subuh. I cannot imagine if my own children, my own babies diperlakukan sebegini rupa. While one of our Top Leaders Circle’s sister shared this picture through whatsapp, terus hati berdetik, “Apalah dosa anak-anak ini diperlakukan sebegini rupa?” Rasa hendak terus pergi adopt these children.
What I know is, this pictures was taken 10 years back maybe di Stesen Pudu. And at that time gambar ini menjadi viral. And what i know, this is salah satu taktik sindiket yang meminta sedekah. Yang lebih menyedihkan, perasan tidak ada botol yang mengandungi susu di sebelah kanak-kanak and bayi ini? Susu tersebut telah diberi dadah untuk memastikan these children tidur sepanjang hari. And for all I know, these children hanya mampu bertahan sehingga umur 5 tahun sahaja kerana telah diberi dadah yang sangat banyak sepanjang mereka diperlakukan dalam sindiket ini.Just imagine, bagaimana keadaan kematian mereka? Bagaimana mereka akan ditanam?
Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku. Kalau kita nampak these children di tepi jalan, apa yang kita akan lakukan? Bersedekah? Yes, itu sahaja yang kita hanya mampu. But, pernah terfikir atau tidak, these children has their own parents, apa perasaan parenst tersebut apabila melihat anak-anak mereka diperlakukan sebegini rupa? I seriously didn’t want to think about it.
I used to be a selfish person, malas hendak ambil tahu, lantaklah apa hendak jadi sekalipun. All I care is about my life. But, when I involved in this business, everything changed. I started to listened to the community. I started to connect with them. Especially with the unfortunate ones. I thanked Allah for this give opportunity, for which have changed my life completely, for changed myself to become a better person, to become a better Muslimah.
The world is really cruel. As my mother have said, “fairness is not a vocab in this world”. True. But, it doesn’t mean that we have to be cruel as well.
Insya Allah, when Top Leaders becomes a strong community one day, one of our mandates is to reduce or maybe somehow to stop poverty in this country. Untuk membebaskan these loving children from these cruel syndicates. And my own wish, apabila sudah bergelar jutawan satu hari nanti, to have my own yayasan, so that I can help these poor children. After all, these children adalah pelapis kepada negara kita. Kalau kita sendiri tidak menghulurkan bantuan kepada anak-anak ini, then siapa lagi. I love my country, and maybe these small helps, mungkin atau tidak, dapat membantu negara tercinta ini. Insya Allah.
Ya, Allah, semoga segalanyaa dipermudahkan oleh-Nya. Amin.

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